West Central Area Plan
The West Central Area Plan is a community-driven and highly collaborative plan for the neighborhoods directly adjacent to Colorado State University in Fort Collins – an aging area facing increased pressure from student housing development, the growth of the university, and the impacts of significant infill and redevelopment.
The West Central Area Plan, adopted in 2015, provides a vision, policy direction, and road map for project implementation for the neighborhoods directly adjacent to the Colorado State University (CSU) main campus in Fort Collins, CO. With a land area of approximately 3.6 square miles, the West Central presently houses about 14.2% of the City’s entire population on 6.7% of its total land area – making it the highest density area of the city.
Design guidelines which support neighborhood character were developed through a series of public workshops that identified issues, established key elements of neighborhood character and listed desirable, community supported elements that should be included in the guidelines.
Client: City of Fort Collins