Cheyenne Lincolnway Downtown Placemaking
Russell + Mills Studios is currently working with the Cheyenne MPO, City of Cheyenne and Fehr and Peers to complete a placemaking study for the Downtown Cheyenne core. The project focuses on the character of Lincolnway, a state and federal highway, through Downtown and examines the roadway and streetscape design, gateway designs and land use through this area. Level of service analyses for several alternative roadway designs will help determine the roadway cross-section and lead to developing the overall roadway design approach. Elements from the Downtown historic context are integrated into the streetscape with the goal of enhancing the look and feel based on public input from a series of workshops and surveys. The project also emphasizes a new aesthetic vision for Downtown Cheyenne, which will improve the viability of retail and several planned downtown residential projects. Two alternative road cross sections, one three lane and one five lane, were developed to explore their merits and gauge public acceptance and input. The plans emphasize pedestrian spaces and placemaking for downtown as well as maximizing on-street parking and level of service. Working with WYDOT, signal timing plans were developed to maximize the efficiency of the overall corridor, while allowing efficient pedestrian crossings.
Client: Cheyenne Metropolitan Planning Organization